Effective 12/23/21
MI-Home is on hiatus and unable to accept clients or provide services. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. If you are seeking health services, please contact your health insurance plan and they will assist you in locating a provider. If you are seeking community resources and/or essential social services, you can call your health insurance plan or Aloha United Way (AUW) at 211. We will be sure to update this message when we are able to return to providing services. Stay safe and be well. Mahalo.
Learn more about labor, contractions, birth, and current visitor policies in Hawaii hospitals.
MI-Home was a University Health Partners grant funded program. Funds were generously provided through several local foundations and organizations:
AlohaCare is proud to have funded and partnered with the MI-Home program under our Waiwai Ola grant. This highly innovative program is exactly the type of care AlohaCare strives to bring to our communities. Program leaders took medical care into the community, combined it with technology and telehealth, and leveraged community partnerships to reach and care for pregnant women and infants in a manner that was respectful of their wishes. This was an example of academia, business, and community partnerships at its best.
MI-Home was supported by the Hawaii Department of Health with funds from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Grant Number 1NB01OT009389-01-00.
The Maternal Telehealth Access Project: Collaboration and Innovation for Equity and Healthy Families (Grant # H7EMC37564) is a collaborative initiative with several partnering agencies aimed at ensuring that women at highest risk are receiving quality maternal care services via telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an Award totaling $4,000,000 for one year with 0% percentage financed with nonmodernness of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.